Central Co-operative Learning Trust

John of Rolleston

John of Rolleston is a large village school located in Rolleston–on-Dove on the outskirts of Burton-upon-Trent. We currently have 485 children on roll with two classes per year group.

John of Rolleston is a school full of happy and enthusiastic children and adults. We offer a wide range of learning experiences which in turn help each of our pupils to reach their full potential. The acquisition of the basics of English and Maths are the basis for all learning, but we value a broad and balanced curriculum which in turn develops children creatively, physically, socially and spiritually.

Academically the school achieves good standards when compared to local schools and National data. Our last Ofsted report in June 2014 judged the school to be good in all areas.

We believe that the development of the ‘whole child’ is vital. Our Mission statement reflects our commitment to teaching children how to keep healthy in both mind and body. It is vital to offer our children opportunities to visit different places and to try different out of school activities. John of Rolleston Primary School has a successful track record in taking part in competitive sports, winning many trophies and awards.

Our Vision is that on leaving John of Rolleston, our children will be lifelong learners, equipped to achieve their full potential. They will aspire to excel, enjoy challenge, have respect for themselves and empathy for others.

We communicate this vision and mission to the children through the ASPIRE theme:

Aim high
Share and support
Imaginative thinking
Engage and enjoy

School works in collaboration with local schools and a wide range of external agencies. We are proud of the way we work with parents and the local community, valuing what they have to offer and working in partnership. We are an Academy and part of a Multi Academy Trust (MAT) called the Central Co-operative Learning Trust (CCLT) which works towards providing the highest standard of education for children, staff development and community cohesion.

We also have a committed parents and teachers association called FOJORPS, which raises funds for our pupils as well as ‘creating childhood memories.

We are extremely proud of our school and its many achievements.

Headteacher: Mrs Jen McCaffrey
Phone number: 01283 247515
Email: jmccaffrey@johnofrolleston.com

Click here to view the John of Rolleston website