Central Co-operative Learning Trust

William Shrewsbury

William Shrewsbury is a large, three form entry primary school with 680 pupils, located in the village of Stretton on the edge of Burton on Trent.

The school achieves very good standards compared to results nationally and the last Ofsted inspection (July 2013) judged the school to be good with outstanding features. The school is a vibrant learning community with an exciting curriculum delivered by a skilled and experienced staff team.

We strive to help each child to develop the knowledge, skills and understanding to become a confident and independent lifelong learner. We place great emphasis on the basic skills of English and Maths, as these provide the foundation for all other areas of learning. Alongside this, we also recognise the importance of a broad and balanced curriculum and of fostering physical, creative, social, moral and spiritual development. The school has an excellent range of extracurricular and out of school provision and a large number of external awards and accreditations reflecting the diverse strengths and achievements of the school.

We have a very strong commitment to developing the whole child and aim to foster good social skills. We encourage children to be caring, reflective and self-disciplined in their behaviour, to build positive relationships with other children and adults and to develop a sense of responsibility towards the needs and feelings of others. The strengths of the school include the outstanding provision for pupil's personal welfare and development and the very positive partnership working with other agencies to the benefit of all families

The school is outward facing and has partnerships with a number of external organisations that support and enhance our own school improvement journey. We actively encourage parents into the classroom to help and support learning and children, parents and staff frequently work together to explore different aspects of the curriculum.

We are very proud of our school and the children and staff who learn and work together here.

Headteacher: Mrs Melanie Murfin
Phone number: 01283 247490
Email: mmurfin@williamshrewsbury.com

Click here to view the William Shrewsbury website

Link to the Ofsted report